Good day Sir Prof ? distinguished comrade. Thank you very much for pardoning me and sharing wisdom and knowledge God bless you always
Congratz for the success of Seminar 👍 very good job as always Prof
- Another big corruption case Prof?! That is very terrible, the corruption of raw material for cooking oil that is exported very massively to abroad.
Why people even think about doing such a cruelest thing.
it is very big crime and cause suffering to the nation and economic loss to the people folk and cause poverty.
Merampas harta negara dan memiskinkan rakyat.
God why is this even happening.
- That is absolutely correct Prof 🙏 we need stronger implementation rule of law in Indonesia. Let them fear as long as they obey.
Because there is no law in Indonesia, the state officers dont have any fear to do crimes and corruption.
- That is absolutely good lesson to be perfectionist Prof and very agree with you.
- 1 never quit
2 always remember rule #1
Even Prof is very succesful person still eager to study and teach many people salute.
- Yes Prof, there is no justice if investigators make the innnocent victims become a suspect.
Prof. Dr. Suhandi Cahaya, S.H., M.H., M.B.A.